Sunday, November 7, 2021

Bishop Arrives at Rainbow Bridge


The ground shook, the wind bent the trees, and a tremendous howl arose amongst the angels. It was clear that something big was crossing the river:  Czar Bishop had come to Rainbow Bridge.

The Czar, son of Miss  Kimberli, brother to the legendary Apollo and Napa, had used every heartbeat and more as he fought to stay with his mom and continue teaching all the orphaned dogs that his mother took in and found new homes for them to live.

 When word spread of Bishop's arrival, dogs came from every corner of the Bridge to pay homage to him and greet the incredible dog who inspired his mom to save many other dogs.

Bishop also helped his mom create one of the most entertaining Facebook profiles. Transcribed were the conversations between Bishop and his mom ranging from the new students two what he needed at the store.

Few dogs have been blessed with a bigger heart than Bishop. He had his collection of pets he doted on like a human. It was like the best of both species combined into one pup. Together he and his mom made for the best of dogs and the best of moms.

Word of Bishop's arrival spread through his friends on the Internet quickly.   It caused human tears to form clouds and made it rain at the Bridge. Before Bishop's arrival, we angels scoured the puddles for our parent's tears then brought them home to help our flowers grow.

When the sound of bugles blaring sounded across the Bridge, we knew that Bishop's arrival was imminent. We gathered in rows of 20 to watch the historical passage.

As soon as Bishop appeared, the angel rescue dogs he had helped find homes and the other pups whose lives were enhanced when their parents adopted a rescue from Mama Kimberli ran to the Bridge and carried Bishop across on their backs.

Napa was the first to greet his brother, and their hug lasted more than a minute. Bishop then welcomed the pup who succeeded him like his mama's helper, and finally, I swore him in something wholly unnecessary because Bishop was an angel on earth.  

Then a large party commenced with welcoming Bishop. We all raised a glass of bone beer to him and feasted on pizza and treats—the more incredible the grief over passing, the bigger the party. Bishop's was one of the largest in years.

As soon as the event ended, Bishop joined his brothers in helping their mom find dogs in need and then homes for them.  With Bishop's help, his mom's rescue will become even more successful.

If life were fair, then because of all the good Mama Kimberli has done for dogs, Bishop would have been able to stay with her for a lifetime. Like shingles, the Bridge doesn't care. We all have X amount of heartbeats, and no matter how good we are or our parents are, we must, in the end, do what we dislike the most, sit and wait without our parents.

All angels find a way to pass the time until our parents join us. Bishop will spend his as he did on the mortal side most nobly. He is devoting his angel life to helping those less fortunate.  It is the most effective use of eternity.

If you're a homeless dog or living without love, take comfort. Angel Bishop is on your side.


  1. he will be a super nobe angel, that's for sure..

  2. A special guy, here ... now there!

  3. Awww, such a precious tribute to Bishop.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  4. What a beautiful boy Bishop was, how wonderful his life and legacy is!

  5. Bishop you are a regal angle with a most appropriate name
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. What a wonderful Super Angel, I wish we'd know him here on Earth.

  7. WoW! Bishop is a force to be reconed with! It is terrific that you told us his story! Thanks so much! We love it!

  8. This is such a sweet tribute.


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