Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday Question

If you go out in the winter do you wear a jacket?


  1. River: I do not. If it is too cold or wet I just refuse to go out and use the pads. I am very stubborn.

  2. Cinnamon does not like people clothes she says she has a purrfectly terrific fur coat!

  3. only if it has siberian temperatures... we hate that coat, we are nudists LOL

  4. I would if I could, but I don't, so I won't.

  5. Our Angel Little Bit didn't allow any clothes. She just refused to dress up in anything.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  6. How adorable. And I'd rather die than wear that. Xena

  7. I do but I don't have any furs except on my head and I always make sure to cover that too. I love that pup's rain attire
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Ha Ha - we have our built-in jackets - double coated thick furs. We must admit though that Angel Phantom did wear a beautiful blue coat with a fleece lining in his last year as he was just skin and bones. He never minded it either.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. I only go out in a carrier and if it's winter it's covered with a blankie!

  10. Hi friend, Ojo here! Nope. Never. I am tough!! I go out in my own fur, even when it is pouring rain or many degrees below freezing. I do not like coats!

  11. I, Mackey, do NOT do clothes. Syd could probably be talked into it. I would eat my way out.


Monday Question

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