Monday, November 1, 2021

Monday Queston


What did you do for Halloween?

Did you wear a costume?

Did you go anywhere?

Did you get trick or treaters?…

Trick Or Treat Dogs - YouTube


  1. River: I don't like wearing costumes, so I just stayed home. We had a couple of trick or treaters. I barked at them. I think that was the high point of their experience.

  2. we had to be nekked weimaraners... but later we changed the costume and were da nekked alarm systems...

  3. What did you do for Halloween? Hide in the great room watching television with the lights off

    Did you wear a costume? No

    Did you go anywhere? No

    Did you get trick or treaters?… One, but we didn't answer the door.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  4. We stayed home grilling Dad on what he did with Mom. He finally told us he left her in the hospital with brother Adam. We didn't even give out treats this year. *sigh* We didn't have anyone to bark at.

  5. we chilled N watched de kidz pazz bye in de nayborhood bee hind de houz....thiz naybor hood onlee haz an teek peepul in it ;) noe door bellz ringin heer !! ☺☺♥♥

  6. The Hubby and I walked the 'hood in the morning, to see all of the decorations, but didn't have any kids stop by later.

  7. We sat and watched the kiddos come to the door from our spot behind the big gate. No costumes, although Ms. Ann of Zoolatry masked us as SuperheroesL)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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