Friday, February 24, 2023

14 Years Later Nase is Once Again Pup of the Week


Many dogs have experienced the shock of their parents introducing a new dog into the pack. I had four and did not miss the three who went to the Bridge very young. My parents looked at me, wondering if I had wished them into the cornfield. Who, me? I plead the fifth. I didn't physically hurt them but I didn't bark a tear when they departed. Now that we live together as angels, it can lead to some unpleasant dinner conversations, but they have forgiven me, which means they are better dogs than me. I am still upset. They intruded on my mom's time with me, but I didn't let it show.

Editor's note from Pocket Dog; she does let on every day.

In the autumn of 2009, Sierra faced the same problem. One day her mom brought home something so full of energy, wild, and playful that she could only call it a Blob.

At the same time, Pocket and I, looking to honor our friends, decided to do a Pup of the Week blog, and our initial winner was The Blob.

A lot has changed since then. Sierra, Pocket, and I all went to the Bridge, and the Blob grew up to be Nase, head of the Salzman pack and owner of her mom's heart, who got her through the loss of Sierra, and years later Tiger, who came into the pack after Nase, and departed before her. Nase also welcomed Bodhi to the family and taught the boy everything he needed to know for the day Sierra went to the Bridge.

This week, Nase ran out of heartbeats after serving his family with honor. His soul left his body and soon climbed out of the river, on the mortal side, now free of pain and the ravages of age. Then she crossed the Bridge and ran up the steps to be reunited with the many friends she made in real life and online.

Nase had been preparing her mom and Bodhi for this day, and they were leaning on one another. Nase hopes walking through grief will be easier for her mom with Bodhi behind you, but you can't predict distress; you need to meet it head-on and bull through.

After Nase reached Hobo's Landing, where I waited to swear her in, Nase was greeted by his big sister Sierra, who hugged her, told her she was proud of how Nase had lived her life, and protected their mom.

"I thought you were going to say welcome, Blob," Nase said.

"Never again," Sierra promised.

"You are a Blob no more."


  1. Awww, we are always sad to hear of our friends going to the Bridge…..

  2. Run free my little black beauty...may your have a renewed spring in your step.
    Hugs cecilia

  3. What a tribute from Dallas and Belle

  4. Such a sweet pup and no doubt a fabulous Angel too.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?