Monday, February 20, 2023

Monday Question

 On National Pet Day, how do your parents show their love for you?

In kisses, in cuddles
In warm laps, in cups of kibble
In blankets, in smiles
in scratches, in bones
In five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes
That is how I measure a year being loved


  1. We KNOW our Mom loves us! We LOVE that you know how many minutes there are in a year! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marvelous Marv

    1. Indoors - lots of cuddles
      Outside - adventurous walks

  2. Good food, clean litter boxes, toys, play, nice places to nap, and snuggles!

  3. We treated our Angel Little Bit like royalty.

    Have a woof woof day, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  4. BOL BOL Ruby Rose
    If Madi was here I think she would say...I know they show their love in every thing they did every was all about making me happy. BUT of course sometimes I had to act like they messed up just to keep them on their toes.
    Hugs Madi's typist

  5. I love my stuffed bones and my clean blankies!

  6. Pets...But, we thought Mama and Daddy were our pets. We do all show each other love with snuggles and kisses!
    Rosy & Sunny

  7. What a perfect little poem! We pups are so lucky to have such good homes, right?


Monday Question

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