Monday, February 6, 2023

Monday Question

 A short question for this week

Do you snore?

I do, a little, if I am laying a certain way, but not like River.

No one slept for five miles when River was snoring


  1. No, I never, ever snore. I wish I could say the same for my human...

  2. No snoring here but I do have lots of puppy dreams where I"m running to who knows where.

  3. Our Angel Little Bit didn't snore. She had lots of wonderful dreams though. She loved sleeping with hubby.

    Have a woof woof day, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  4. No snoring from either of us but our mom is a champion snorer.

  5. No I don't snore...and no my husband doesn't snore
    Now the rest of the story...if you ask either of us about the other you would get a great big YES he/she does.
    Once way back when cassette tapes were not dinosaurs, I kept one in the table drawer
    One night I tried to record his serenade but he heard the start button click.
    Fast forward to the 21st century I need to do it with my cell but I won't LOL
    Hugs cecilia

    1. I laughed. Everyone (the boys) snored around here. Some worse than others. My Angel Erich was the champion! I know I used to, and the boys, all three told me I did. But I had sleep apnea..which is taken care of now. So, I don't raise the furs on her neck. She however, can snore! Boy, can she ever.

  6. Neither of us snores...but like many others, we wish we could say the same about our pawrents!
    Rosy and Sunny

  7. Rosie snores a little, but she also makes the loudest noises, whimpers and cries while she is dreaming! It wakes Mom up all the time!

  8. BOL - the "older" men hear snore - that would be Dad and Lightning.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Sometimes Rosie snores a bit. But not Baby. Dad used to snore loudly until he started using a CPAP for sleep apnea.

  10. Mackey snores but more than that she nose whistles. It drives Mom crazy. Boston took a nap today with Mom and guess what... he snores too.

  11. My Angel Sammy (kitty) was a snorer.

  12. We don't; at least we have not heard petcretary tell us that we do...hubby does, and Minko did...and so did MJF when he got to be very elderly.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?