Friday, August 11, 2023

Foley Monster's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: Roxy

When someone a pup loves dies, part of their heart goes into the dog, whose main job through the coming months is to provide love, comfort, and understanding to the survivors.

Even harder than losing a dog is a parent losing a precious child because you have lost a child, but the possibility of further happiness through grandchildren is squashed. When we go to the Bridge, we dogs are either spade or beyond childbearing age.

When Momma Leslie lost her beloved adult son, Marc, he left a part of himself in his best buddy, their dog Roxy, which helped her accept the passing. No parent ever gets losing a child; they just get used to the pain, like you eventually shut out the sound of planes if you live next to the airport.

And loyal Roxy helped her adapt to the pain with love, patience, and understanding. Humans often think that dogs are the only ones who understand them, and they are right.

But what is a mom to do when the only soul alive who can help them through the death of a loved one has to go too? That is what happened to Momma Leslie this week when her beloved Roxy, who had been living off of borrowed heartbeats to stay with his mom longer, finally had to give up the fight and surrender to the Bridge.

Roxy was met by Alec when she crossed the Bridge. They hugged, cried, laughed, played, rested, scratched, and Licked one another as I waited to swear her in, and her predecessors waited for the welcome Roxy banquet for over an hour. Who worries about a time when you have an eternity?

When Roxy and. Alec was done reuniting, and after their mom’s angels greeted them, I swore Roxy and, as an angel, first class.

She called me. Upon her arrival, she had expected to be sad, and I explained the Bridge is the opposite of Moto life. On that side, life is like a cloudy day with a burst of sun, while at the Bridge, a stray cloud may make it dark, but usually, the sun is out, and visibility is clear.

Morning is a nightmare you have frequently, but when it arrives, it hits you with all the loss you felt in the past after you sent a soul to the Bridge.

Momma Lesly is carrying that sorrow behind her with each step. Time in Angels will lessen the road, but it never ., but hovers above like a cloud.

May Momma Leslie have nothing but clear skies in High visibility for the rest of her days on the mortal side.


  1. I think that is one of the saddest stories you ever posted! I can't imagine losing both a beloved doggie and a son too! Hopefully Roxy will find another doggie to send to the Mom Lesley to help heal her heart.

  2. I am so very sorry about Alec and Roxy I cannot imagine Mom Leslie's deep sorrow
    Hugs cecilia

  3. That is so sad, but her Angels will always be watching over her.


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