Thursday, August 3, 2023

Poetry Thursday

Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday

The twins were excited about their birthday

It would be a day with friends, and they will eat and play

Then came news that made them blue

Their parents had invited cousin Lulu

In truth, everyone hated the obnoxious little girl.

She yelled, cried, hit, bit, and took your ears in a counterclockwise swirl.

The boys truly hated their little cousin

Who could have, with little effort, defeated the entire dirty dozen

She was the daughter of Mommy’s sister Sue

Who birth the family did rue

Her mom did not believe in punishing the child

Who had grown up unruly, mean, and wild

On Christmas, she opened everyone's gifts and smashed what she did not like

What a wretched little tyke

She pushed Nana’s wheelchair down the steps on Christmas Eve

Something me and grandpa could hardly believe

No one wanted her at the party

But Aunt Sue insisted they include her farty little smarty

Upon arrival, she punched both boys in the nose

While Sue left the little troublemaker, claiming she did not want to impose.

Sue found a whiffle ball bat and hit the adults in their knees.

The smaller kids when did bite, punch and tease

She pinned the tail on one of the twins and not the donkey

And everyone commented the little girl was quite wankey

Cousin Mary has to leave when Lulu pulled her hair

She terrified little Teddy so much he peed his pants and needed a new pair

She broke the boy’s video games system

And when the boys complained, she claimed to be the victim

When they sang happy birthday she screamed like a banshee

And birthday boy Tommy realized this was how the rest of his life would be

He shoved her face in the cake and no one suggested her get hit with a switch

They were just happy someone shut up the little bitch


  1. agreed!!!! totally... I think efurrybody has such a little b... in the furmily...

  2. Suddenly, Gail is feeling grateful that her cousins are really rather nice!

  3. BOL BOL Cousins are often time a PITT!!!
    Most of my cousins are very nice except Becky. At the time of the incident mentioned yesterday, Becky was 69. SHE WAS A PITT
    always. Her Mom was 22 years old when my mom was born. I never really had any connection to her due to age but boy she still made an impact
    Hugs cecilia
    Love it

  4. Yay for Tommy! Lulu deserved what she got - horrid little bi*ch that she was!

  5. Oh my goodness, that's too funny Ruby Rose!

  6. I think we all know, or have known a brat like that. Bad news for all around!


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