Thursday, August 24, 2023

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.

Among the numerous paintings, I saw created with great passion

An establishment called Au Cadet De Gasgogne

Being a Yank and not being fluent in French

I decided to consult Google Translate while resting on a bench

I typed the name into my phone

And the answer made me feel like I had been boned

Cadet of Gascony, it read after a bit

And it made me reply, “No shit.”

Having been once again fooled by Mr. Google

And craving an Erect bugle

I inquired about Trip Advisor

And found the Cadet of Gascony restaurant got four stars from the Kaiser

I made my way through the artists aggressively selling their wares

Acting important and putting on airs

I made it to the front door of  Au Cadet De Gasgogne

It was not crowded; the lunch crowd was gone

When met by the Marte’d, I first asked about the name

And he said it belonged to a regiment under Louis XVIII that rose to fame

“To honor them, we make the food that they ate

Don’t worry, it is all first rate.”

I sat at a table with a bottle of wine

Unfortunately, it tasted like brine

I was then handed hard pork that tasted like swine

I complained and was told, “Don’t whine, it's French, it's fine.”

The food made me want to wretch

And I was told to enjoy it was french

I now understood why every picture of the Gasgone I pass

Featured people in terrible distress, all passing debilitating gas


  1. HA! Now that's what you call a big finish!

  2. You have reminded Gail of a trip to France when she was about nineteen. She and her friend were served a bottle of wine that tasted like vinegar, but when they complained in their best French that "c'est comme du vinaigre" the waiter just shrugged a magnificently Gallic shrug and walked off...

  3. hahaha you leave us gas-ping, what a mighty fine pawem!!

  4. Your poem made my mom laugh out loud and I thank you for that!

  5. We love how you weave your tales and leave us with a great finish. You have us cracking up!

  6. Ruby Rose BOL BOL BOL
    WTG girlfriend.
    Hugs Cecilia


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