Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday Question

 Where do you sleep and what is your favortie sleeping position?

I sleep in the big bed, on my side, snuggled against Mommy


  1. we sleep in our master bed .... humans are allowed too... (sort of).

  2. I have 2 beds of my very own and carpeting throughout the house. I choose not to sleep with mom. I sleep on my side most of the time on the floor in the warmer months and in the cooler months I'm curled up in one of my beds.

  3. We both sleep in the big bed. Millie snuggles up to our dad and Walter snuggles with our mom so nobody is left out.

  4. da tabbies o trout troutAugust 15, 2023 at 9:17 AM

    ruby we snooze rezt and nap everee wear any time ! hope all iz well ‼️

  5. Sweetie sleeps on the human bed, plus she has a corner in the spare room.
    Da Boyz sleep all over the place, but often with each other.

  6. Rosy - Same as you Ruby...Do you lay your head next to your Mamas on the pillow...that's the best!

    Sunny-I need my space and sleep in my own room in my fuzzy bed.

  7. Our Angel Little Bit slept with us too. As it should be.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  8. I sleep with mine Mommy and put myself on top of her footsies but sometimes I get the urge to nibble at her toesies under the covers and then those feetz pushes me off the bed so I sleep the rest of the night in my polka dot chair.

  9. I sleep curled up in my crate in the kitchen. I would like to sleep on Gail's bed but it seems that having a predecessor who suffered from bladder cancer has put Gail off the idea of co-sleeping with her dog...
    I live in hope that in time she'll relent.


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