Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Ruby Rose Report: Double T Day


Ruby has submitted another report. Here is your copy.'

One of the few perks of my Dad's job is that he has an allowance of $40.00 a month to spend on dog food and treats. We got a big bag destined for my tiny belly one month later. But it is what happens the next month that gets me excited.

It is the month of the Double Ts: Treats and Toys.

We get a lot of packages delivered to the house, and most aren't for me, so I ignore them,  but on Friday, when the Double T bix arrived, I could sense what was in it. I had to wait impatiently for Daddy to get home to see what was in it.

When Daddy finally arrived home, I gave him a welcoming lick, then sat on the kitchen floor as Daddy put the package on the table, got a knife, and slit open the box.

First came the treats: There was a big bag of the bacon strips I love. I don't get human food except for watermelon in the morning, so having a variety of treats is essential for my diet, and the bacon strip is the best. I get them in the morning while my parents eat breakfast, then in my treat game at night. There is no natural way for a human to show a dog they love them, but a bacon treat is an excellent start.

There was a new treat, a fig-newton-looking thing, with chicken instead of fig. I wanted to call Chicken Newton, but there was a copyright problem. Chicken Newton was an all-white ska band from Wales in the 80s.

There was another big bag of cookies that might be too big for me, but Daddy had a couple more dollars to spend, and they were only $2..00. I was upset that I got $2.00 treats until I remembered I ate poop.

Finally, at the bottom of the box were the small, inexpensive toys: two puppy bones perfect for my little mouth and a tiny stuffie. I checked out a bone and a stuffed, then grabbed one of the bones, keeping me busy for hours. I only took a break to eat.

My chewing intensity had diminished after the first day, but I still spent time working on the bone and eating treats. What a life I live!

I can't wait until the subsequent box of cheap treats and toys.

And remember, boys, if you are so inclined, I am a very cheap date.


  1. You seem to have your parents trained well in how to give you treats and toys.

  2. You had me at bacon strips.

  3. YOU made my morning! Loved hearing from you this morning! (((HUGS)))

  4. Ruby Rose what a glowing report and I might add here my man loves bacon in any form...he might even like your bacon strips
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Lucky you, Ruby! I NEED a double T box too!

  6. Good for you for getting all those treats on a regular basis, Ruby. The pups Rosie and Baby love their chewy stick treats. They know exactly when it's time (5pm) to start giving us "the stare." If that doesn't work, they start pawing below the shelf where the treats are stored. As a last resort, they commence to barking, pawing, and staring until I give them their treat. Who says dogs don't know how to tell time?

  7. $40 a month won't go very far with three of us, but we do like the sound of a Double T Day. We just may have to present this idea to the Momster.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. That sounds like a wonderful box of goodies sweet Ruby Rose!


The Ruby Rose Report: Traveling Like Royalty

I am the latest in a line of wonderful dogs that my parents have been fortunate enough to have in their lives. They started with Blake, a...