Thursday, August 17, 2023

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.

“Not today Timmy,” his mom yelled 

It was just the ty of them in the house they dwelled

All day long just mother and son

How she wished she had a gun

Timmy was born an sort most ornery

His mom would to treat him like Goldfinger did Connery

“He’s not doing anything wrong he’s just all boy” his dad said

The stupid jerk who she wished was dead

She was going to have it all

Then at Junior Prom she and him did ball

“You need to drop out of school and care for the boy,”

His mother said sentencing her to a life without joy

She knew he was the devil child while in the womb

Every kick felt like the harbinger of doom

Upon his birth she tried to breast feed

He gummed her so hard for a week she did bleed

He was now four a most terrible age

He spit, her cried, he bellowed in rage

He had no off switch like the Energizer bunny

No baby sitter would take him no matter the money

The husband thought the boy could do no wrong

And told her he couldn’t wait until she could again fit into a thong

She hated them both and wanted to be free

She swore he wasn’t this bad when he was the terrible three

One day she could take him no more

She brought him downstairs and kick in the laundry door

She set him on a delicate washer cycle not wishing any harm

He cried wolf so many times his yells would not raise alarm

When he was washed she tried to stick him into the dryer

No one would jail her, she had nary a prior

But he kicked so hard he broke the drum

So to the outside she made him come

When the dad got home he heard the quiet

It usually was a low level riot

Upon finding her in the living room, feet up, drinking wine

She told him Timothy was drip drying on the lne

While Dad rushed out to save the little bastard

And Mom was sufficiently plastered

She called an Uber and left for good

She would now live life as she should


  1. BOL, sounds like a good argument for birth control!

  2. like goldfinger connery? that is an genius rhyme hahahahaha

  3. OMDs...this is hilarious
    While Dad rushed out to save the little bastard

    And Mom was sufficiently plastered.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. That's a great poem. We are cracking up!

  5. Oh wow, the poetic muse struck hard this week!

  6. LOL! I know there were lots of times I wished I could hang up my four kids on the clothes line like that!


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