Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday Question

 Do you use flea and tick medication and if so which one?

Fleas and Ticks | ASPCA

I use the Advantax drops. 


  1. yes... we use an organic product from switzerland. (opti pet). to our surprise it really works... LOL

  2. I used to put monthly flea/tick stuff on Celestial Paddy O'Malley, but we don't use anything on our inside-only cats.

  3. ruby…we haz hurd that stuff iz knot good for dogz ore catz, may bee we iz just over caushuz….we have “food grade diatomaceous earth” on hand,
    just in case

  4. I never liked giving my dogs anything for fleas and ticks; and for many years none of them ever had fleas. It was very rare for them to get a tick. But these days ticks are getting more common, so the girlies Baby and Rosie get Nexgard monthly chews. They also got immunized for Lyme disease.

  5. I can't remember. We got it from the vet hospital. They were drops and we did them once a month.

    Have a woof woof day, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  6. What's a flea? Do they get up 16 stories high?

  7. I can't think of the name but ours is a tablet.

  8. We used Revolution drop on Madi once a month.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. We use Bravecto chews for each of us. For heartworm Timber and Lightning get Sentinel, but Misty can't have that, so she gets a Heartgard injection every six months. Multiply everything by 3 and it gets really expensive.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


The Ruby Rose Report: Traveling Like Royalty

I am the latest in a line of wonderful dogs that my parents have been fortunate enough to have in their lives. They started with Blake, a...