Friday, August 25, 2023

Nature Friday

 Six weeks ago, I began a picture tour of our five gardens. If you choose your flowers smartly, there is always something blooming. As the lilies and rose bush shed their petals, the Black Eeyed Susansl, Butterfly bushes, and Hydrngeas flourish. It is an entire ecosystem in our yard.

Here is a view of our gardens today. The pictures are of the entire gardens instead of close-ups, so everyone gets a chance to shine.

This is our front garden.  I have instructed the staff to thin it out this fall. I like a tidy garden. Since the last report, we added a small Purple Cornflower. It started in the side garden but dried out, so it has been transplanted to its new home.

The late July early August heat played havoc on our side garden which always gets the sun. I ordered the staff to put some decorations to take up space in the garden. Most importantly is the angel which stands proudy at the end of River’s garden

The main garden, or Foley’s garden suffered from a bit of root rot that wiped out most of the Impatients . I have ordered some Mums to be planted by Labor Day. Also, I think some of the plants have become over grown and need to be cut.

Pocket’s garden wins garden of the year. Everything bloomed perfectly, most of all Hobo’s Hydrangea. The Asian Virginbowser bloomed a dozen times. Usually we are luck to get two or three.

This is the long view of the back garden. Except for the rose bush it tends to get what doesn’t grow elsewhere. It takes them in and makes the shine. Maybe I will call it the Rescue Garden.

Finally, I wished I has taken a picture of the Rose of Sharon when it was in full bloom. Here is an isolated one. It ws brilliant two weeks ago, but it was too hot and my camera melted

I have instructed my staff to make the gardens look beautiful for fall. If they are successful I will publish their results. 


  1. All of your gardens look great! We enjoyed the tour!

  2. I love your flowers and the decorations!

  3. We thoroughly enjoyed the tour of your well-tended gardens!

  4. Appreciate the tour, Ruby.
    You are lucky to have your own gardeners.

  5. Your gardens look great. It's nice to have flowers blooming all season long and yours do that well.

  6. Do you water your gardens, Ruby? They look so very healthy and lovely, certainly you're providing special nourishment ...

  7. This time of year is hard on all the plants...but yours look great!

  8. The gardens are all so very pretty. We love the St. Francis one so much. Our Rose of Sharons are on their second bloom this season. We think they are the only ones here that really enjoy the heat)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. We're impressed sweet Ruby, you and your Peeps do such a grand job with your garden areas!

  10. that is a lot of hard work and your garden areas are just beautiful!!!!!!! I am certain your neighbors love them too, it's always nice to see such well-cared for gardens!


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