Friday, August 18, 2023

Nature Friday

 After a week's break I am back to rejoin Arty and Sunny's Nature Friday.\

This week: The Back Garden. I am lobbying to change the name to the 100-Year-Old rosebush garden, because that is where the old lady of the yard lives, and the back garden sounds like a place a Victorian London Pensioner would grow carrots for the war effort.

There are only three different type of plants in the back garden. From the left there are two Hostas called Jimmy and Pacino. Hosta will always be a corner stone in our gardens

The Black Eyed Susans are called Pockets' Susans because she loved having her picture taken in fronr of them.  

In the cent of the garden is the 100-Year-Old Rose Bush. This is a picture of when was in bloom.

And finally, on the far right is Bannon, a Plantation Lily. It's on the extreme right of the yard.

So those are our gardens. Next week I will be back with an overview of our gardens.



  1. You have given Gail and entirely new perspective on what comes to the mind of American readers when we refer to our "back garden"!

  2. Your gardens are just beautiful.

  3. Hosta, the perfect plant for non-green-thumbs (all I ever grew, which is why I say that ... no reflection on you!)

  4. What beautiful flowers you have in your back garden.

  5. Your garden looks great! I think it's funny how you gave the plants names. I think some of my garden plants deserve names because they come back every year for as long as we've lived here (40 years.)

  6. We hope you had a lovely break and we enjoyed all the flowers. Lee and Phod

  7. I love seeing the flowers. Several are brand new to me.

  8. Your garden is lovely and our mom is very jealous as her garden is not looking good!


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