Friday, August 4, 2023

Nature Friday

Our smallest garden is also our oldest: The Pocket Garden. It was initially called the Foley Garden, but the more angels in my family, the more other gardens were claimed, and Foley claimed the most extensive garden as soon as she could. Pocket likes her garden. It is small and modest like her.

The jewel of our gardens is our Hydrangea named Hobo, so named because his parents sent it to us after Foley passed. It is still growing strong.


Next up is Schulz, a ditch Lilly, the most demanding plant in the garden; you must be if you're a ditch, Lilly. It got its name when an obnoxious girl named Lily got ditched when she went to pee in her bed of Lillie.

Next to that is Woody the Tiger Lilly, a nice boy, hilarious, and a good storyteller but we have to keep it away from Oriental Bittersweet. We don’t want any cross-pollination with an underaged plant.

Finally, this is a Bowser, a member of the group. Sha-Na-Na, hiding in

our garden as an Asian Virginsbower. At first, I thought it was an Asian Virgin Blower, which meant we would have to get i away from Woody, but it is a bower, not a blower.  

And that is it for the Pocket Garden, like her, small, modest, and pretty.

Next week the back garden


  1. Your flowers are so pretty. Hydrangea is one of my favorites!

  2. Such a pretty garden with those pawsome lilies!
    The stories about them are cool too ,especially the ditch lily :)
    I bet Foley looks out for that garden from the Bridge :)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Such a pretty garden and Hobo looks to be very special.

  4. What pretty flowers with such great stories to tell!

  5. The flowers are lovely. The ditch lily made me laugh!

  6. We never thought to give names to our plants and bushes. We have a gigantic hydrangea bush that started out as a stick one of the kids got at a flea market. After more then 30 years, it's a star performer in our yard, and smells so nice too. OK, so now it's named Star!

  7. Big smile here. I love how they got their names.

  8. Oh Ruby Rose what a beautiful Nature Friday you shared with us
    Hugs cecilia

  9. What a furbulous selection of flowers sweeties! BTW mew may have missed our other comment, concatulations, mew won one of the books in Amber's giveaway!!! WOOO HOOO Check out the post here:

  10. Such a beautiful garden, thanks so much for joining Nature Friday this week!!
    Rosy and Sunny


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