Monday, January 11, 2021

Monday Question

 What household item freaks you out?


  1. Pocket: Anything that beeps. The smoke alarm is the worst.
    River: The telephone. When it rings I grab a hold of Mommy's leg to keep her from answering it.

  2. Timber - the ice cube dispenser
    Misty - the vacuum machine (only since I was gone for five months last year)
    Lightning - those big boxes that get delivered to the door

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. A person whistling... Go figure.

  4. Nothing at all actually. My predecessor Hamish the Westie used to go nuts on the rare occasions when Gail got out the ironing board.
    Toodle pip!

  5. count vaccula... I have always to fight with that beast because it scares da nelly

  6. Of course the big loud monster that sucks up everything off the floor and sometimes off the furniture, too. I - Xena - used to be afraid of farts, but I've heard them so much that I've gotten used to it. Oh, wait, that's not a household item...or is it?

  7. Little Bit had two things that freaked her out. The vacuum cleaner and the doorbell. We sure miss our Little Bit.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  8. Astro is not afraid of anything but the outside hose and the bathtub. Mitzie freaks when fireworks go off and the bag to line the trash can, when we flip it open to go down in the can. Not sure why, it must have been something that happened in her life before we adopted her.

  9. de vacuum ma sheen round heer iz de werst !!!

  10. I would say the vacuum makes the cats the most skitty, but I rarely pull it out...hehehe

  11. Yep Vacuum fur us. Dad finally got a new one that is quieter. Not good but better


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?