Sunday, October 3, 2021

Foley Informs Her Mom About River and the Loose Puppy Dog

River is a very relaxed dog as long as you are within her site line. Unlike Pocket, who is praying for some perceived problem to go away daily, I rarely get requests from River, which is why I flew down to see her in her dreams when she reported that she was in dire straits. 


I asked her what was wrong and she said that there was a vicious dog loose in our village and it attacked her while she was on a walk. I was incensed that some dog violated my sister. Also, I was worried because loose dogs usually lose battles with cars and end up at the Bridge. 


I got the perpetrator's address and went to see the violator. When I arrived at their house, I saw a tiny three-pound black and white fluff ball sleeping in a dog bed. I asked if he was the only dog there, and he replied yes. Could this little runt be the pop scaring my brave sister?


"My sister Riversong walks by your house, and she claims that a loose dog attacks her every time she does," I claimed. 


"Attack her?" the little dog, who I would learn was named Zuzu, said. "No. I will run up to her to play. I roll on my back, pop up and lick her face then I run behind her for a butt sniff. It is grand fun."


Honestly, it sounded like typical dog behavior to me. I did not know what River was persnickety about, but that's her nature. I decided to take a different approach with this puppy. 


"It is dangerous to be running loose," I said." You could get hit by a car carried off by a hawk, or attacked by a coyote. You should tell your dad he needs to leash you.


"The cars here don't move very fast," Zuzu told me. "I can dodge them. As for any predatory animal, I am not afraid. God gave me a healthy immune system. My dad says being leashed puts a stranglehold on our Freedoms, and he must oppose all leash mandates as our fore dogs did."


I had learned there is no arguing with souls who believe that someone is curbing their freedoms. I tried the convince Zuzu's father through dreams, but his subconscious filled them with elevator music and Majorie Taylor Green cosplay. There was no changing the behavior in this house, so I went back to my sister to change her's. 


I told her that I was unsuccessful in getting her walk interrupted, but the provocateur was so tiny that River could scare him with a nip or vicious growl. "You never had an issue with a Pocket, and this pup is even smaller."


"That isn't the point," River said. "That Puppy is interfering with my freedom to walk. I should be able to go down the street without being stopped, licked, or butt sniffed. I refuse to be objectified by someone just for living my life."


River wasn't wrong, but there are scores of ignorant people in the world who interrupt the lives of people just trying to get through the day in the name of freedom. "All you can do is keep your head up and ignore them," I advised my sister. 


I knew I might as well have told her to fly to the moon. A Griffon is a stubborn breed, none so than River. So I implore you as her parent to make sure she doesn't walk down that street.


Meanwhile, I will teach Zuzu not to run in the street because that will cause an accident, and I will have to swear him in as an angel. I will have to watch over him and keep trying to teach him the right way as his parent continually pushes him in the wrong one. 


Someday, I hope, the Zuzu is like every other dog here stuck inside and listening to River bark insults at them while she walks down the street the way our founding fathers wanted. 



  1. oh please help her to avoid da streets... that's a super good idea...

  2. There is no changing the opinion of some parents!

  3. There are good parents and there are bad parents.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  4. With freedom comes responsibility. These days many people forget that.

  5. I 2nd Chester's comment 100 X's
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. We must all learn to respect each other, even if it means those running free will soon be extinct. XOX Xena and Lucy

  7. We are worried about Zulu, watch over her please!

  8. sayin hi two ewe river...hope all iz well with ewe N yur folkz.....we iz sorree bout de new bad naybor...can ewe pleez ask pocket two ask de new naybor dawg crozz de way ...why him barkz lee....


    7 ☺☺♥♥

  9. Dang, I would have sworn that dog was from all neck of the woods!

  10. Yes, just like humans, arguing about whose freedom is most important!


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