Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday Question

How vocal are you, when are you vocal and do you have conversations with your parents?


River:  I bark when I hear noises, when I want food, or when someone comes over.  I talk through growls all the time, and my parents answer like they understand me, which they mostly are. 


  1. Our Angel Little Bit was vocal with the doorbell, but every quiet around barking dogs. We trained her not to bark all the time. She knew not to bark too. We sure miss her.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  2. I'm not very vocal but when one of the peeps leaves I will go to the door leading to the garage and shout about it.

  3. Misty and Timber: We are both pretty quiet. We do woo at Mom and Dad if they leave us for too long. And we make a lot of growly noise when we play. But we rarely ever do what one would call a real bark.

    Lightning: I make up for all of that. I bark a LOT if the doorbell rings. I bark outside if there is a strange car parked near our house. I bark at cats. I woo and whine whenever I am in the car the whole time. And lastly I woo a LOT at the groomer's. I had a spa day Saturday and I raised the roof with my singing:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. Mostly I am vocal only in the back garden, attempting conversations with neighbourhood dogs whom I can neither see nor, these days, hear!

  5. da nelly is a singer... he sings for everything... I feel like simon cowell sometimes...but I adly can not kick him out...

  6. Rosie only barks when she feels her meal is late and Redford barks when he thinks his walk is late! They are very punctual and like to keep to their schedule!

  7. me, mackerull, meowz all de time bout everee thing N nothin; cuzin daiz when her wantz sum chow, tuna onlee when eye an irratatin him !! ;) ♥♥

  8. Sweetie has a rough voiced meow, that she can really turn up the volume on!

  9. Think of everything a dog might bark at and that's us. Look! A leaf! *bark, bark, bark*


Monday Question

 Do your parents celebrate your birthday and are there toys? Ruby's answer: My parents don't make a big deal out of birthdays. I mig...