Tuesday, October 19, 2021

For Ruby


We dogs are adept at hiding pain and illness.  Not only do we hide them from our parents but our friends too.

That is why I was surprised to see my friend Ruby the Aerrdale on the list of dogs to be sworn in on Saturday.  I read every post, visited Ruby in her dreams, and she has never barked a word about being ill.

I saw the reason for her impending arrival was arthritis. Ruby's old bones were betraying her body. She also had a tumor on her eye and two on her breasts.  The longer we live, the more we have to carry. Because her mom loved her more than she did herself, she sent him to us where she could be happy and carefree.

Ruby was a lucky dog. She had scores of online friends who followed her, enjoying her numerous posts and always happy to see her smiling face. That was why there were so many pups awaiting her arrival.

Overnight the beavers, carpenter ants, and skilled minions built Ruby her home in Blogville. I  have a place there, too, and at Doggyspace, Tanner Land, and  Facebook, my least favorite spot because there are ads everywhere, and the leaders get up in your business.

Blogville lies just north of Doggyspace. It is a small, loyal group, and its inhabitants were anxiously awaiting their friend's arrival. I looked to my right and saw Easy, holding a Margarita, Ruby's favorite drink, although she was only allowed sips.  Now she could have an entire one for herself.  When I heard a slurping sound, I gave Easy a side-eye, and he dropped his head sheepishly.  

It seemed like we were waiting an excessive amount of time.  My arrival times are never wrong, and the paperwork said Ruby should have arrived a half-hour prior.  I felt responsible for the delay and apologized to the crowd.  "Who are we waiting for?" a voice asked.  We turned around and saw it was Ruby.

"We are waiting for you to cross the Bridge!" I said.  Then everyone gathered around her gave and shared 25,600 kisses and hugs.  I tried to get her attention to give her the critical angel oath because if she didn't take it, and everyone found out it was meaningless, I would be out of a job.  

"I think I got lost," she said.  I crawled out of the river, and I knew I was supposed to cross the first Bridge I saw, but a squirrel ran in front of me, and I began to give chase.  I couldn't believe how I felt. Then I was next to the squirrel.  I didn't want to kill it; I wanted to play with the little tree rat. We went through the fields and meadows, laughing all the way.  Then the squirrel told me I had to cross, and I did, further down the river, and made my way here."

I had never known a dog who got lost on his way to the Bridge, but that is okay.  Passing over can be very stressful.  I gave Ruby the oath (I have to keep justifying my salary, I have four homes, and the taxes are killing me), and then she toasted us with the margarita.  "These things are tasty," she said. "I was only allowed a sip on the mortal side. Okay, I'm sleepy now."

I know, when she awakens, Ruby will devote her entire angelhood to relieving her mom's pain.  For tonight, she must be comforted knowing her baby is home waiting for her, with the light on, and she will see her in her dreams.


  1. we hope she will be the guardian angel now for her mom... and she will be there to bring a margarita when her mom needs one....

  2. It's good to have confirmed that y'all found Ruby (or she found you) and she is part of the heavenly pack.

  3. I so loved Miss Ruby. She'll be an excellent guardian angel for her mom.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. aaw.......foley N pocket; this is an awesome tribute to your friend Ruby..... ♥♥♥♥♥

  5. We just knew Ruby would arrive in style, in her margarita heaven with so many friends there to greet her. We send consoling kisses to her mom.
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (and Gail).

  6. We just new there would be a Margarita Pawty awaiting Ruby!
    Run free sweet girl!!!
    The LLB Gang

  7. Ruby, as expected, arrived well hydrated and ready to Part-ee.
    I expect her angel wings might be a tad stronger since she is flitting about OTRB finding all her friends. In spite of her best efforts to be mischievous....she was an Angel on Earth loving and caring and funny. She will never ever be forgotten.
    Each time I see a Aire-Gal on my walks about the city I hear Ruby's voice in my head..."look at tree rat, Ma hurry up blow some bubbles"!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We all love Ruvy!!! We know that her "Ma" Judi is hurting badly now, but we hope she reads about Ruby's journey home and takes comfort in knowing she continues to be well loved by all. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Sweet Angel Ruby, the whole world loves that sweetie and always will.

  10. We will never forget that it was Ruby who made matches for me and angel Joey dog so we could attend several wonderful Blogville events over the years. For that, we're eternally grateful!

  11. We will miss Ruby here on Earth, for sure.

  12. Oh gosh - I just got back to my computer, and I read of Ruby. I am so sad.


Monday Question

 Do your parents celebrate your birthday and are there toys? Ruby's answer: My parents don't make a big deal out of birthdays. I mig...