Monday, June 13, 2022

Monday Question


What is the favorite activity you do with your humans?

River's answer:  I only want to be in contact with my people, and bed is the best way to do that. I would stay in bed all day as long as I was brought food.


  1. Eat. Dani likes to have dinner with us in the family room. She gets up on the coffee table and I feed her with a spoon.

  2. Oooh, that's a tricky one. My favourite activity is when Gail takes me to the park and I get to play chase with the other dogs. Gail tells me she's not sure if that counts as something I do 'with my human' as her only involvement tends to be shouting in vain "Nobby! No! Come Nobby! Come!"

  3. Da Boyz's favorite activity with The Hubby is hanging in the kitchen with him, while both are lounge cats with me. Sweetie would spend all day asleep on my chest.

  4. Snuggle time and playtime are both favs here!

  5. Jakey is with you River!!

    Sunny and Rosy like to sit with the pawrents outside and watch the birdies(and chase the occassional bunny)
    Rosy, Sunny & Jakey

  6. Madi's favorite activity was probably sitting my my left hand when I ate. SHE NEVER EVER EVER bothered my food.
    Just like watching. When my plate was empty she jumped off the table
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. We like it best when Mom and Dad are at home and sitting in the family room where we can sit at their feet. But we all really love our individual walks with Mom.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Dinner is the best time of the day followed by bedtime belly rubs.


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