Friday, June 3, 2022

Winston the Westie to the Wescue



Angels can learn a lot when visiting their parents' dreams, like how Winston and Bentley saw how much pain their mom was in after Winston followed Bentley to the Bridge. People can hide or suppress their sadness, but they can't in their dreams where their soul is exposed.

That is when the dynamic Westie duo decided to take action and find another Westie for their mom. They chose a puppy because it would have a long life and their  mom’s exasperation with the young pup’s training would be entertaining   It's funny how people forget what having a puppy is like.

Even after Winston arrived at the Bridge, Bentley kept from his brother that he had previously interviewed puppies for the role of their mom's next dog. We angels can tell when a soul is close to passing over, and Bentley knew Winston's time was nigh.   When they began their search, Bentley had already found the perfect substitute. There is an area at the Bridge where he met with puppies before they're born. That is where Bentley conducted hundreds of interviews. There was nothing wrong with the dogs he rejected; they would be great pups for their families, but they weren't perfect for his mom. After days of searching he finally found a little Westie named Maxwell and knew this was the one.  

Bentley didn't want to confirm Maxwell as the heir until the pup met Winston, and he let Winston think he was the one who found Maxwell. Sometimes a new angel needs a confidence builder. When Winston approved Maxwell, the brothers went into their mother's dreams and directed her on the way to find her new perfect pup.  

Maxwell came home on Sunday, and a house filled with a deafening silence of an absent dog became electric again. Maxwell won't solve his new mom's sorrow, but he will help immensely since he will be getting tutorials about his mom from his brothers every night.  

Despite no longer being a mortal, the rock of the Westie continues to play on.



  1. A dear story. Mom and I always enjoy there. XX

  2. Winston to the Wescue!!! Hee hee! Love it!

  3. Bravo, well done. We bet Maxwell is already bringing much joy to his human. We would love our Angels to add a new pup here too:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. Such a beautiful story of my two boys and now the new one

  5. I know Maxwell will help to make the heart smile.

  6. You know what? When Gail read the words "It's funny how people forget what having a puppy is like" she sighed loudly and said "too true". I can't imagine what her problem is as I am always a perfectly behaved pup and not exasperating at all.
    PS We hope Maxwell enjoys life with his new family. We're sure he will.


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