Tuesday, June 21, 2022

River Song 2012-2022


At the end of the day what was wrong with River was everything: Fluid in the lungs, in the stomach, fluid in the heart, and very high kidney levels.  I think she loved us so hard, with such ferocity, that she used up her heartbeats.

Thank you for your love and support.

We might take some time from social media.  It is the first time in 26 years we haven't had a dog. We will find a new one, and be back.


  1. Oh my goodness, we are so sorry to read this. Please accept our condolences for your loos of sweet River. Take good care of yourselves at this sad time.

  2. Keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™
    Love Molly and my Mom

  3. Love you always River, Love Max & Lady and family. Unable to sign onto our Google account.

  4. We could finally log onto our account. Love you River Song. Love Max, Lady, Blaze, and angels.

  5. In yesterday's post you said "no matter what, her angels will be with her" ... sadly, it seems they wanted to keep her with them. Yet we know she is in a good place, though many hearts are hurting today knowing she has left us, yours most of all. Rest well, River Song, you'll enjoy being with those who went on before ... they missed you, now they will take care of you.

  6. We are so sorry to hear that River Song has crossed the Bridge. She will be missed here but certainly had a wonderful reception on the other side. Our paws are crossed for her pawrents that are left with an empty house.

  7. Oh I am so very sorry to your loss. Poor little girl just had no more strength. Please accept my sincere condolences. Your grief must be overwhelming. River Song was, and is, so sweet. The love continues on, as you have shown in all of your stories about those who have crossed. Taking a break is totally understandable, as this is extremely difficult to process. Sending lots of love your way during this very sad time. Wendy

  8. We are just heartbroken about your dear River Song. I can't imagine how much the quiet must hurt. Love and hugs from all of us.

  9. We are so sorry to read that River has joined her pack OTRB. We send purrayers and POTP to all who love and will miss her. We know she and her sisters will help you find a new dog when it is time.

  10. I am heartbroken at your loss. May you take comfort in knowing that River has been reunited with her (not always) beloved sister, Pocket.

  11. So heartbreaking that she has gone to the Bridge. Perhaps she needed he siblings…SO very sorry๐Ÿ’”

  12. Not anonymous. Karen Schlabach

  13. Our deepest sympathies, Marsha and Ted. God speed, dear River.

  14. We are so very sorry to hear this..Run Free River Song, we know all your angels and ours are welcoming you at the Bridge...
    Big Hugs,
    Beth and the Gang

  15. river, we are trying to be big cats and not cry…we understand how hard you tried to stay with mom and dad, we understand that foley and pocket greeted you at heavens gate, we hope mom and dad know St Francis stayed by your side every step of the way to heaven, so you had no pain, weren’t alone and didn’t feel afraid. we are truly truly sorry and send all our hugs and loves ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ daisy, mackerull, dude, sauce, boomer and tuna

  16. Mommy thought about River Song this morning and had a very bad feeling. Now we know why. It' impossible to tell you how sorry we are, and the tears that are shed for her. Take your time to start to heal, then join us again with new stories to tell. Lots of love from Mom, Lucy, Xena, Chia and Riley.

  17. we are so sorry to hear that River Song has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. We didn't know her but we send you purrayers of comfort and the hope that your memories will give you comfort.
    Snuggles and purrs from Maggie May, Suki and their mommy, Anna in IL

  18. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of River Song. Run free sweet pup. Hugs to you all. Lee, Phod and their Lady

  19. Sending lots of soft, comforting purrs as you miss your sweet River Song.You gave her a loving and happy life and I purr that gives you comfort even though you will miss her so much.
    Purrs, Julie and mum Nancy

  20. Our hearts are breaking along with you. River Song tried so hard to keep her illnesses from you because she knew how much you needed her. Now the Angels will be there to help her and love her even more. Pocket will be right there with her.
    We are sending you many hugs and much love. We know that when the time is right, you will welcome a new pup to your home.

    Hugs and woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber, and Mom too.

  21. Farewell, Angel River Song
    We know you've been greeted with love at The Rainbow Bridge.
    Please visit your humans in their sleep; they are very sad.

  22. I am so very sorry that River has gone to the Bridge. I know how terribly you miss her, and the loss that you feel. It is one of the hardest things we must bear, when our fur family, who are family in every sense of the word, must leave us though they try so hard to stay and keep us happy and loved.
    Sending my love and Katie is sending her very softest and best purrs. Farewell, darling.

  23. I'm so very sorry to hear about our friend River. Rest peacefully at the Bridge sweetheart.

  24. Wee are furry sorry that wee River Song went off to Purr Land an leeved you..... Shee iss lookin down on youss' with Love.....fur ever <3 <3
    May yore fotoss an memoreess comfert you.....
    Run free Poochie...
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum
    THE Purrfect Pad

  25. River Song,
    I send hugs, love and many purrs to your family. Thank you for all the kindness to all our angels over the years. I am sure you were greeted by all of them OTRB

    Hugs Cecilia

  26. We are so sorry to hear the devastating news of River’s passing. In your heart even though it is breaking you know you did what was best for her. All of your dogs have been internet stars and I’m sure your new one will also light up the internet. God bless you and Ted and know that you are in my prayers.

  27. This news has left me in shock and heartbroken as I'm sure so many in Blogville are also feeling right now. This was so sudden and it's always harder to accept when there isn't some of of warning. River was very brave and didn't want her family to know she was so sick. Take comfort in knowing that she is at peace now and with her 2 sisters. Imagine the commotion at the Bridge once they all three get back together. I'm so sorry for this terrible loss your family has had to endure....
    Hugs and Love

  28. Lulu: "We're very sorry to hear that River Song had to go away."
    Charlee: "Run free over the Rainbow Bridge, sweet girl."
    Chaplin: "We Hipsters send lots of purrs your way."
    Java Bean: "And we dogs send lots of tail wags!"

  29. We are very sorry to hear about River's sudden passing. Sending lots of hugs and POTP your way!

  30. We're so sorry fur your loss. We're sending hugs and purrayers.

    Luvs ya'

    RaenaBelle and Zebby

  31. our tears are running... we have not much words... just this tears for a friend we loved so much...

  32. We're so very sorry to hear about dear River Song. She will be missed far and wide. The house will feel empty without a dog, but please know that your dog loving friends across the world are thinking about you.
    Love and hugs,
    Gail and Nobby.

  33. The worst part of having and loving our fur babies is that they leave us. So sorry to hear of your loss and hope your hearts heal. Hugs, Susie & Coco xx

  34. Our hearts are absolutely breaking for you. It's so hard to lose a precious family member. Godspeed, River♥ Hugs to you♥

  35. I didn't know River Song, but she was clearly a loved and loving little creature. Ten years isn't long enough for a dog to stay, but long enough for her love to stay, forever. Godspeed, River Song.

  36. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I do hope to see you back. I will miss this.

  37. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Big healing hugs. ♥

  38. Oh Marsha, so very sorry about the loss of your sweet River Song. What a precious and devoted companion. May time bring comfort and replace present sorrow. Sending oodles of poodles of tender thoughts your way. ๐Ÿ’”

  39. We, too, are saddened by this loss, but we know you are just devastated and sorely missing River Song so much.
    We made you a memento, and sent it in an email, and its also posted in our blog.

    We send lots of love and hugs, too. ((((( ♥ )))))
    Dalton & Benji, & Petcretary Ingrid

  40. I am saddened by your loss of River Song ~ what a cutie ~ it does hurt so deeply to lose our fur babies ~ my thoughts and prayers are with you ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  41. This is such sad news. Sending big hugs and westie kisses.

  42. My heart aches for you. River is romping with Foley and Pocket. Sending you and your husband healing hugs. I am so glad that you plan to get another dog eventually - life without a pet isn't living!!!

  43. We are so very sorry to hear this - we loved hearing of her tales over the years. She brought everyone in Blogville a lot of joy. Thinking of you in the coming days. The Johnson Family, Angel Barkley, Angel Abby and Lorelei Lab.

  44. I’m sorry for your loss fly high your a little Angel now watch over your momma

  45. Oh no. We are so very sorry. Run free with Foley and all your other friends, dear River Song. You will be missed very much.

  46. We are so very sorry! We know how it feels to lose two so closely and we're thinking of you. Your pups were an amazing pair and always brought us laughter and smiles.


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