Friday, June 17, 2022

Otie Campbell and the Big Problem


My good friend Otie owns a lovely ice cream shop that I like  to frequent. When I stopped in last week, I found the premises in disarray. I asked Otie what had happened.

"Elephants is what happened," he said. "A family of elephants came in here, ordered half my inventory, then broke my tables and chairs when they sat down. That's it, no more elephants!"

He showed me the "no elephants" sign he had made, and I went outside with him as he nailed the sign to the storefront.  

Just as he had finished hammering, two elephants approached.   

"Sorry, no service," Otie said, pointing to the sign.

"This is outrageous," Butler, the father of the group, who was with Sasha and their children, exclaimed. "This is our favorite ice cream parlor,” Otie said he would make them some cones, and they could eat outside. "If we are not allowed in the store, we don't want ice cream from you," Butler said, and then the elephants stormed away,  

I felt terrible for them; I was asked to leave establishments in the mortal world, and I always sided with those who were being discriminated against. But I understood Otie's dilemma; he couldn't keep getting new tables and chairs; I was happy to stay out of it.  

Just when I was out, they pulled me back in. The elephants sued Otie for discrimination, and it was assigned to my docket. Otie was ecstatic, thinking I would rule for him because of our years of friendship, but I took my judging seriously. I would listen to the facts. Honestly,  I already knew the answer. I did not want to rule in favor of discrimination; I was sure if I did, we dogs would be barred from other places we wanted to go.  

The following day they both presented their cases and made compelling arguments. I knew ruling for the elephants was the right decision, but it could put Otie out of business. Then I was struck by a compromise; I called in my minions and put them to work.  

When it was time to render my decision, I announced we needed to go to the ice cream shop. When we arrived, everyone was shocked to see behind Otie's business a large elephant-sized shop; I told them that the elephants now had their own place to eat their ice cream. Luckily everyone was happy with the decision, and I didn't have to make an enemy of a friend.  

Compromise is always the way when it comes to friends and ice cream.


  1. Everyone needs access to ice cream!
    Well done.

  2. What a terrific solution! Purrfect! Cinnamon LOVES to go shopping with Mom because she always stops at DQ and they give Mom a Pup Cone just for her! Thanks for stopping by! Purrs Marv

  3. Hi friend, Ojo here! Sounds like a perfect compromise. Now - can I have some ice cream???

  4. Compromise and innovation make the world go round. (And war and hatred)

  5. Well done, great minds can solve the problem by working together.

  6. Thanks, Foley Monstaaaaa, I didn't want to constantly lose my tables and stuffs...and dem big ele's scared me a bit...I'm so glad you solved the problem...should have came to you in da first place!! got a burger basket coming ur way!! BOL BOL!! <3 LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

  7. GREAT! Love it!!!


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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