Sunday, June 19, 2022

Monday Question

 I am having a terrible weekend, starting with a seizure or fainting episode on Saturday and a vet trip to me being very lethargic with no appetite Sunday night. This is the worst I have ever scared my parents. When is the worst you ever scare your parents?





  1. We send you lots and lots of AireZen and positive vibes and hope the doctor can fix you up in a hurry!

  2. You're too cute to scare anyone, but we still gots paws together that all will be OK (me I can be a scaredy cat anytime I want!)

  3. MY other cats have scared me, but so far, I have been alright enough. I am so sorry that you are having this bad bad time, sweetheart. Has the vet a reason for these things happening? Are you taking meds?

    Tell your mom I wanted to mention something about the old English or whatever font that was you all were using. I may still go ahead and mention it in an email.

  4. So far I don't think I have scared Mum. At least I don't think I have ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  5. O no! I hope you are OK now, River Song. What did the vet have to say?

  6. I hope you're better soon. We hate scares too. ♥

  7. Susan from Bucks County PaJune 20, 2022 at 12:46 PM

    Hope you feel better soon. I‘ve had some scares. Not fun.

  8. Sending healing purrs. Love, Pip

  9. Oh, River, we sure hope you are recovered and not scaring your pawrents anymore. I, Chia, heard that I scared my pawrents terribly when they left me with a new sitter and I escaped for my runabout the first day she was here. I was gone overnight, but I came back safe and sound. I hold the record with the my current siblings for the scare factor! OXOXOX Chia

  10. We send purrayers and Power of the Paw and Moose Magic (an Elkhound sort of thing) that you are better RS.

  11. Lots of POTP coming your way. Seizures are very scary to see and very scary to have happen to you. We hope you are doing much better today.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. We are also sending lots of POTP and hope the doctor gets things figured out!

    Rosy had a seizure when she was about a year old...she scared the you know what out of Mama...but she has been seizure free since then!

  13. Seizures are very scary indeed...and we hope your vet/doc can help you, River Song, so that there won't be any more scary things happening. POTP and pawyers! ♥

  14. Oh No...River! I'm so sorry to hear you weren't feeling very well over the weekend. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers that you're feeling a lot better today. And some special hugs for your PAWrents.

  15. June at Zoolatry told me about River not doing well so i stopped by to say i am praying for a full recovery!

    My children and the fur children have scared me a few times, but the worst was when granddog Coda tried to get too close to a possum. No matter how big the dog, a possum can really tear it up.


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