Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Wordless Wednesday



  1. That photo speaks softly and with love
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. We were so sad to read of River Song leaving you to be with the pack OTB (and what a pack it is!) Our Mom had wet eyes and even us cats are sad...but we know of the excellent work the pack does, telling us the newcomer's stories and helping them with the transition to angelhood. River will be an excellent addition and we do hope that your heart mends and a new puppy comes to widdle on floors and take you out in the rain. We send you healing purrs and Cinnamon sends snuffly doggy kisses. Thanks so much for visiting us! Purrs Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo and snuffly doggy kisses, Cinnamon

  3. Your tabletop is a memorial to a strong, ongoing love and cherished memories. I'm sure it will bring both tears and smiles in the time to come.

  4. We're still very sad thinking about it. Hugs.


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