Thursday, August 24, 2023

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.

Among the numerous paintings, I saw created with great passion

An establishment called Au Cadet De Gasgogne

Being a Yank and not being fluent in French

I decided to consult Google Translate while resting on a bench

I typed the name into my phone

And the answer made me feel like I had been boned

Cadet of Gascony, it read after a bit

And it made me reply, “No shit.”

Having been once again fooled by Mr. Google

And craving an Erect bugle

I inquired about Trip Advisor

And found the Cadet of Gascony restaurant got four stars from the Kaiser

I made my way through the artists aggressively selling their wares

Acting important and putting on airs

I made it to the front door of  Au Cadet De Gasgogne

It was not crowded; the lunch crowd was gone

When met by the Marte’d, I first asked about the name

And he said it belonged to a regiment under Louis XVIII that rose to fame

“To honor them, we make the food that they ate

Don’t worry, it is all first rate.”

I sat at a table with a bottle of wine

Unfortunately, it tasted like brine

I was then handed hard pork that tasted like swine

I complained and was told, “Don’t whine, it's French, it's fine.”

The food made me want to wretch

And I was told to enjoy it was french

I now understood why every picture of the Gasgone I pass

Featured people in terrible distress, all passing debilitating gas


  1. HA! Now that's what you call a big finish!

  2. You have reminded Gail of a trip to France when she was about nineteen. She and her friend were served a bottle of wine that tasted like vinegar, but when they complained in their best French that "c'est comme du vinaigre" the waiter just shrugged a magnificently Gallic shrug and walked off...

  3. hahaha you leave us gas-ping, what a mighty fine pawem!!

  4. Your poem made my mom laugh out loud and I thank you for that!

  5. We love how you weave your tales and leave us with a great finish. You have us cracking up!

  6. Ruby Rose BOL BOL BOL
    WTG girlfriend.
    Hugs Cecilia


Poetry Thursday

  This week's inspiration from the Two Spoiled Cats My name is Tweedle Dee and with me is Tweedle Dum Two kittens whose  lives are nothi...