Friday, May 24, 2024

Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: A Dog in Panda's clothing.


My view on zoos is they aren’t for all animals, but some thrive, and I don’t judge, ‘unless I am getting paid.

At least there were no dogs at the zoo.

Until last week.

The Panda Angel bureau is a busy one because Pandas are endangered, and that makes them paranoid,so like Monks on a mountain in qasnow storm, they did a lot of praying.

Even in the safety of a zoo the pandas pray for food, attention, and their health. They never pray to be set free, which is why Fu Bao, who is the chief angell was surprised when he got a prayer request from a panda in the zoo, he was surprised that the subject was asking/for freedom. 

Fu Bao went to see the panda and came back within five minutes. I found him on my door ste and asked him if he could help the panda. “No, don’t, but I think you can,” Fu Bao said. When I asked why he informed me it as a dog.

“How could this be?” I asked.

“You have to see for yourself.”

I thought I was being punked, but I agreed to to go, if I wasn’t needed I could spend time with the pandas, who are always a good hang.

When I arrived I saw the pandas laying in the sun. I wasn’t going to bother them until one of them lifted their head qne barked.

I said “excuse me” and it barked again.

I got closer and realized that they were dogs painted to look like pandas I was an outraged and asked how this happened. 

“We were in a shelter and a man came to adopt us all. We thought we were going to out forever home, which we were, but it was outside and we were old if we wanted to eat we had to act like pandas.”

“Like drunk penguins,” I was told. I asked why they just didn’t bark.

‘We do but the Chinese know to question things is disallowed, and punishbale by death son the go along with it.”

“We will never get out of here,” one of them whined.

I vowed to help them. On the mortal side there is only one thing stronger than the Chinese government and that is pet lovers on the Internet. I whispered the story to a popular blogger and within minutes it was a national story, and the dog were brought back to the shelter, where they were immediately adopted. 

How can you resist a half panda half dog?

As for humans, don’t accept what they tell you, and looked beyond what they are wearing. You will soon see the Emperors have no clothes.


  1. I'm glad you jumped in to save those sweet pups!

  2. Those pups were lucky you came along to save them.

  3. Very lucky pups indeed.
    I do hope your blog editor has a way to copyright your stories they are just splendid....
    Hugs cecilia

  4. Lucky pups, thanks to you!!! Mom loves dogs and she loves pandas. We think a panda pup would be a good thing for her.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  5. I can't believe what dogs and cats are forced to go through. Well, yes I can and I absolutely hate it for them.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?