Friday, May 10, 2024

Tales From Rainbow Bridge: Cricket


I made sure that all of my angel friends lined the walkway from the Bridge to where I stood to swear in the newest angel.

Usually, a well-loved pet passed over the Bridge. But today a dog who saw very little love was due, and not one who never found a family, but one that found the worst family.

Sometimes dogs don’t remember the moments before they passed over, and we hoped it was true of this dog because never had a dog suffered a worse transition.

Cricket was coming to Rainbow Bridge. I made sure that all of my angel friends lined I made that all of my angel friends lined the walkway from the Bridge to where I 

Usually, a well-loved pet passed over the Bridge. But today, a dog who saw very little love that he was due, and not because he had never found a family, but found the worst family.

Sometimes, dogs do not remember the moments before they passed over, and we hoped it was true of this dog because never had a pup suffered a worse transition.

Cricket was coming to Rainbow Bridge.

It is always a shame when a dog who is only fourteen months old crosses the Bridge, but Cricket’s circumstances make it even sadder.

He was a rambunctious, happy dog who loved to go on hunting trips with his parents. Sure, he never hurt anything, it wasn’t in his nature. Maybe he would grow into it one day.

He knew his mom was growing frustrated with his slow learning, but, lots of moms felt that way, and soon he would learn.

But one day his mom lost patience with him.

 From the moment he laid eyes on his mom he loved her, and even though she was cold and snappish, Cricket loved his mom wholeheartedly. He would follow her anywhere.

Like a gravel pit, where his impatient, cold-hearted soulless mom put a gun to Cricket’s head and killed probably the only soul on earth who loved her completely despite her many flaws, and who never would have hurt her.

Tragically, we get dogs killed by their owner several times a year, and their passing is always hard. But, we only had one mom who bragged about it, in a book, thinking it would help her achieve the second highest office in the land.

Thankfully, the terror of his passing was blocked from his mind. He only remembered walking with his mom. He was worried about her. We said she was fine and left it at that. Hopefully, he never will.

We were all bound to make Cricket’s afterlife filled with love. Our human dog lovers like Aunt Laura, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Kimberli, and Aunt Ginny work around the clock to make sure Cricket doesn’t have a moment when he feels unloved.

We discussed what punishment his vicious mom should receive for killing an innocent soul who loved her unconditionally.

We decided to let her dream come true.

She will soon be a Vice-President nominee for a major United States political party. She will get elected. Then, in 2028, when the President demands the outcome of the election be overturned, and she refuses, she will be dragged out of the Capitol building by the President’s supporters, and then hung on the Washington Mall. 

And for good measure, she will be shot.

To death.

Like a dog. 

It is always a shame when a dog who is only fourteen months old crosses the Bridge, but Cricket’s circumstances make it even sadder.

He was a rambunctious happy dog who loved to go on hunting trips with his parents. Sure, he never hurt anything, it wasn’t in his nature. Maybe he would grow into it one day,

He knew his mom was growing frustrated with his slow learning, but lots of moms felt that way, and soon he would learn.

Because one day his mom lost patience with him.

He didn’t know she had ill intent. What dogs do? From the moment he laid eyes on his mom he loved her, and even though she was cold and snappish, Cricket loved his mom wholeheartedly. He would follow her anywhere.

Like a gravel pit, where his impatient, cold-hearted soulless mom put a gun to Cricket’s head and killed probably the only soul on earth who loved her completely despite her many flaws, and never would have hurt her.

Tragically, we get dogs killed by their owner several times a year, and their passing is always hard. But, we only had one mom who bragged about it, in a book, thinking it would help her achieve the second highest office in the land.

Thankfully, the terror of his passing was blocked from his mind. He only remembered walking with his mom. He was worried about her. We said she was fine and left it at that. Hopefully, he never will.

We were all bound to make Cricket’s afterlife filled with love. Our human dog lovers like Aunt Laura, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Kimberli, and Aunt Ginny work around the clock to make sure Cricket doesn’t have a moment when he feels unloved.

We discussed what punishment his vicious mom should receive for killing an innocent soul who loved her unconditionally.

We decided to let her dream come true.

She will soon be a Vice-President nominee for a major United States political party. She will get elected. Then, in 2028, when the President demands the outcome of the election be overturned, and she refuses, she will be dragged out of the Capitol building by the President’s supporters, and then hung on the Washington Mall. 

And for good measure, she will be shot.

To death.

Like a dog. 


  1. There are not enough words for this one -

    And that is the best way to sum it up -

    NAC - you were failed by that unhuman -
    She's getting called out for that -and more -

    Willow AND Her Mom

  2. Cricket, you're well known now, your story told, loved by thousands and mourned by more and not forgotten, you brave little one. The shooter vilified. As it should be.

  3. Thousands upon thousands of peeps loved you, Cricket, and sadly your mom was a horrible person.

  4. We're glad to hear Cricket had a warm welcome at the Bridge and hope his mom soon looses the power she has a govenor.

  5. We have no doubt that Cricket is now in the best place he could be and has ever known.. It is so unfortunate that the love he had to give was never returned.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  6. Run free Cricket - now loved by so many who never met you !

  7. You sure didn't deserve that Cricket but Karma will no doubt visit the evil doer, as it should be


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?