Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday Question


Were you affected by the fireworks this year?


  1. Even when my hearing was good, fireworks never bothered me. And now that I'm deaf, it's a case of "fireworks, what fireworks?"
    Toodle pip!

  2. Our Angel Little Bit had the roughest time with fireworks. We stayed in with her and comforted her as best we could. It was a horrible night each of her almost 13 years.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  3. Yes, for the first time ever the fireworks rattled me. Our neighborhood had the biggest and loudest display that they ever had. Yikes!

  4. We had LOTS of noise in our neighborhood this July 4th. It didn't bother Chester except if it was real close by or especially loud.

  5. We humans go to bed at 10ish 'cause we wake up so early. So we were a little peeved at the start of fireworks at 10. Thankfully only about 20 min. though
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. trooth....we did knot even want ta eat R dinner....

    we seer ee iz lee HATEZ fire werkz


  7. Suprisingly, me and Xena laid in bed with Mom and Dad and just fell asleep to the noise of the fireworks. They didn't seem to bother Chia, either. XOX Lucy

  8. Fireworks are a week long event around here. On the 4th Mom gave Syd and me some valium and Dad took us to the basement to watch a movie. It went better than most years.

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Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?