Monday, March 7, 2022

Monday Question


Which Happy Potter House would you be sorted into. The choices are:

Gryffindor house is where you would find the pluckiest and most daring students \

Slytherin house members are most likely ambitious, shrewd and possibly destined for greatness. 

Ravenclaw house If you are looking for the brainiest students – you would find them in Ravenclaw

Hufflepuff house is where you will find the most trustworthy and hardworking students.


  1. Hi Guys! We are sorry we have not been around much. Mom has been working on the committee to stop the school district from closing our local elementary school. We are hooping it will all be over by the end of the month. We can't wait! We have missed you so much.Purrs Marv

  2. seems that is an easy question... we probably would wear a snake on our capes LOL

  3. Bertie is definitely Gryffindor. Gail likes to think she would be Ravenclaw, but in reality would most likely belong in Hufflepuff!

  4. I only ready one of the HP books, my mind has a time with fantasy. I do like the name Hufflepuff and trustworthy and hard working students
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. I haven't read a single HP book, and only saw a part of the first movie.
    I know, I know...what is wrong with me?!?

  6. Sunny is definitely a Gryffindor, Rosy a Ravenclaw and Jake a Hufflepuff!

  7. How come there isn't a Squeaky Toy house?

  8. Chia: I'm from that first one you mentioned! Yes, I'm daring!
    Xena: Ravenclaw!
    Lucy: Huffle

  9. even tho we catz iz shrewd we due knot like slytherin stuffz ...well, wermz iz grate.... sew we will go with slytherin !! ;) ♥♥


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