Friday, March 18, 2022

Friendly Fill-ins


Friendly Fill-ins



Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

My answers are in red. 


1. I rarely poop in the snow, I go behind the recliner instead. 
2. My spring to do list includes sleeping in the sun and lying awake in the sum.
3. If I were invisible for a day, I would figure out how to get in the closet and eat food to my belly's content.
4. When I was young, I got knocked up because my then Mom wanted to make more of me. Turns our I'm the Joan Crawford of dog mom's. That put my on the path that led me to my forever home..


  1. Thanks for making an appearance, River Song. I am so happy to see you and your monkey??? Or more to the point maybe you are the monkey especially after pooping behind the recliner. LOL And I guess you don't like wire hangers either if you've been following in Joan Crawford's footsteps. They are kinda scary.

  2. BOL BOL you made me giggle #1 answer
    maybe #2 answer you can add shampooing the carpet.
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. We are happy for you, that you are in your furever home now, but have the sads for your previous life.

  4. Those were really interesting and fun answers!

  5. And what happens when the recliner reclines ...

  6. Wow! Those are some crazy fill-ins! Made us laugh!

  7. river we iz crackin UP at number one; even tho itz bout number "two" ;) ♥♥


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