Monday, March 28, 2022

Bertie Designs the Perfect Pup





When Bertie realized his long song was finally ending, he made an unprecedented request of the angels watching over him. He didn't just want a new puppy to help his mom with his transition, but he wanted it built to his specifications.

Upon receiving his unique request, I was assigned the case. I usually would instantly approve any proposal from a good friend like Bertie, but this could have legal ramifications for centuries. Puppy eugenic with cross-breeding, which produces short-lived dogs, is a hot button is an issue at the Bridge, and I decided to hold a trial to make an informed decision.

The hearing was held in Bertie's dreams. He had imagined a British court from the 19th century. It was impressive, although I didn't have the heart to tell Bertie he looked silly in his powdered wig. Representing the Parties that don't Like Change was Mitch, an all-white bulldog. Bertie gave the opening statement.

"It is our duty as dogs to take care of our parents, and that responsibility does not end when we transition. Under the current laws, after we pass, if our parent needs a puppy, we would interview hundreds of them until we find the right one. It is an arduous process that takes us away from our grieving parents, and sometimes because of time limitations, we have to settle for one that isn't perfect. But by creating one, we can meet all our parent's needs without having to stop watching over them. It is a much-needed solution. Also, we must care for our parents, which is how I am caring for mine."

Like a good boy, Bertie sat. Mitch made a less than convincing argument based on the fact that a puppy had never been built to specifications before, and it was a dangerous precedent. I disagreed. I ruled that we would build the puppy Bertie wanted, but only a new angel could make such a request, and people, who always take things too far, were barred from doing it.

Emboldened by my ruling, Bertie sat with the puppy designers and first said the pup would have to match his breed, be white and fluffy, with darling black ears, and markings, with a touch of trim around the eyes. He would have to be a good boy, listen to his momma, but have, like Bertie, an adventurous spirit and a love to walk. Once it was designed before Bertie went to the Bridge, his predecessor Hamish visited his mom's dreams and whispered to her that her next child was waiting for her.

Bertie waited until the pup he created, named Nobby, was born and had lived a few weeks before Bertie went to the Bride. He neither wanted his mom to wait long for a new pup nor have his presence in their house take away attention from his replacement, so he remained until a week ago to come to the Bridge.

His timing was perfect, as his mom was not dog-less for no more than a week, still a nightmare, but not an endless one. Now Nobby has all the tools he needs to help his new mom. He will still get coaching from Bertie, but the new angels trust his brother to be the perfect next dog.

And new angels looking for a puppy for their mom have a new avenue to pursue.


  1. Nobby sure is adorable, and we're glad it was only the personality that got "customized" to fit what Bertie's Mama needed. Good call on your part, Foley. We're still so sorry that Bertie had to become an angel... XOX Xena, Lucy and Chia

  2. Nobby here. Do I really have to listen to what my 'momma' says?!
    We'll see about that.

  3. Nobby is a cutie, that's for sure!

  4. foley and pocket; nobby is one total lee kewl pup !! 200 yeerz ago.. ther waza wire hair fox; cuzin ta trout trout ...hiz name...bozo...pleez ta tell him we said hi ♥♥

  5. So nicely written, it always amazes us when our Angels pick the perfect pups to follow...we believe Dory did a great job helping with Rosy...and Bilbo definitely had a hand in picking out Sunny BOL!
    Mama and the Gang

  6. Such a wonderful design and designer!


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