Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday Question

How may pictures of you or your siblings are there in your house?



  1. I counted about two dozen, most of them paintings, drawings, and photo manipulations done by our friends. Being beautiful has its privileges.

  2. just one ;O))))) that's embarrassing isn't it?

  3. wavez two ewe pocket ♥♥♥

    frank lee we canna count...we epic failed math in skewl...but now LUNCH BRAKE.....we aced that !! :) ♥♥☺☺

  4. Gobs, many, tons!
    AND pics of other people's loved ones too, plus a plethora of statuettes, door stops, refrigerator magnets, and not to mention clothes and scarves with cartoon cats on them.

  5. Hanging in the house? None right now, because they are packed until next month when we get to our new place. Don't ask how many are on Mama's phone tho....
    Rosy,Sunny and Jakey

  6. There's five wall mounted photos of us here.


Monday Question

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