Thursday, March 31, 2022

Poetry Thursday



Angel Sammy and Teddy find such inspiring photos for us

Here is today's inspiration

Go west young man, that is what they said. 

Life is easy  you can't help but get ahead

The river bottoms are filled with gold

In a land that is never cold

I sold all I had and headed out west

A land where I would surely be blessed

Now I sleep on the floor with roommates numbering ten

For money I muck the pig pen

And each day I hit the river to pan

While I eat my shoe like Charlie Chaplin

How I wish I was back east

Where brown soup and moldy bread seemed like a feast

Instead of being stuck out west

Panning each day on a fruitless quest



  1. we love the paw-em... that was it what probably happened to many of da gold diggers....

  2. We can rely on your blog to present the cold hard realities of life...

  3. Betcha it was an adventure, whether there was gold or no!

  4. A pan of food might have been easier to come up with.

  5. total lee awesum poem river !! ;) ♥♥☺☺ anda happee week oh end two all ~~~~

  6. Love love the last line!!!
    Well done
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Great great poem! I wish that all the new people who have moved west would read it and head east!!!!

  8. One of Dad's relatives went West and found some gold. Nobody knows where he hid it, but after that, he never worked another day in his life!

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